Source code for gssa.database

# This file is part of the Go-Smart Simulation Architecture (GSSA).
# Go-Smart is an EU-FP7 project, funded by the European Commission.
# Copyright (C) 2013-  NUMA Engineering Ltd. (see AUTHORS file)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import sqlite3
import os
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from .definition import GoSmartSimulationDefinition

# SQLite database for storing information about active databases
[docs]class SQLiteSimulationDatabase: def __init__(self, database): # If we do not currently have a database file, we should make one should_create = not os.path.exists(database) self._db = sqlite3.connect(database) self._db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row if should_create: self.create()
[docs] def updateValidation(self, guid, validation_xml): """Add the validation XML string to the simulation row.""" cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' UPDATE simulations SET validation=:validation WHERE guid=:guid ''', {'guid': guid, 'validation': validation_xml}) self._db.commit()
[docs] def getValidation(self, guid): """Return just the validation XML string for a simulation.""" cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT validation FROM simulations WHERE guid=? AND deleted=0 ''', guid) try: simulation_row = cursor.fetchone() except Exception: return None validation = simulation_row[0] return validation
[docs] def setStatus(self, guid, exit_code, status, percentage, timestamp): """Update the status of a simulation in the database.""" cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' UPDATE simulations SET exit_code=:exit_code, status=:status, percentage=:percentage, timestamp=:timestamp WHERE guid=:guid ''', {"guid": guid, "status": status, "percentage": percentage, "exit_code": exit_code, "timestamp": timestamp}) self._db.commit()
[docs] def getStatusAndValidation(self, guid): """Return both status and validation.""" cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT status, percentage, exit_code, timestamp, validation FROM simulations WHERE guid=? AND deleted=0 ''', guid) try: simulation_row = cursor.fetchone() except Exception: return None status, percentage, exit_code, timestamp, validation = simulation_row return percentage, status, exit_code, timestamp, validation
[docs] def create(self): """Set up the database.""" cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE simulations( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, guid TEXT UNIQUE, directory TEXT, exit_code TEXT NULLABLE DEFAULT NULL, status TEXT, percentage REAL, timestamp REAL, validation TEXT, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, deleted TINYINT DEFAULT 0 ) ''') self._db.commit()
[docs] def addOrUpdate(self, simulation): """Update the simulation row or add a new one if not already here.""" try: cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO simulations(guid, directory) VALUES(:guid,:directory) ''', {"guid": simulation.get_guid(), "directory": simulation.get_dir()}) self._db.commit() except Exception: logging.exception("Problem inserting data into simulations")
[docs] def markAllOld(self): """Mark simulations as exited if still appearing to run - usually on server start-up.""" cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' UPDATE simulations SET status=('Unfinished (' || percentage || '%)'), percentage=0, exit_code='E_UNKNOWN' WHERE percentage IS NOT NULL AND percentage < 100 ''') self._db.commit()
[docs] def active_count(self): """Check how many simulations are still marked IN_PROGRESS.""" cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(id) as active FROM simulations WHERE status="IN_PROGRESS" ''') return cursor.fetchone()['active']
[docs] def all(self): cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT * FROM simulations ''') simulations = cursor.fetchall() return simulations
[docs] def search(self, guid_start): cursor = self._db.cursor() guid = str(guid_start) + '%' cursor.execute(''' SELECT * FROM simulations WHERE guid LIKE :guid AND deleted=0 ''', {'guid': guid}) try: simulation_rows = cursor.fetchall() except Exception: return None # Simulations should not be added to the database until they are finalized def buildsim(s): d = GoSmartSimulationDefinition(s['guid'], None, s['directory'], None, finalized=True) d._status = {'percentage': s['percentage'], 'message': s['status'], 'timestamp': s['timestamp']} d.set_exit_status(s['exit_code'], s['status']) return d simulations = {s['guid']: buildsim(s) for s in simulation_rows if os.path.exists(s['directory'])} return simulations
[docs] def retrieve(self, guid): """Get a simulation by the client's GUID.""" if len(guid) < 32: return cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT * FROM simulations WHERE guid=:guid AND deleted=0 ''', {'guid': guid}) try: simulation_row = cursor.fetchone() except Exception: return None if not simulation_row: return None directory = simulation_row['directory'] if not os.path.exists(directory): return None # Simulations should not be added to the database until they are finalized return GoSmartSimulationDefinition(guid, None, directory, None, finalized=True)
[docs] def delete(self, simulation, soft=True): """Remove a simulation from the database. Args: simulation (str): GUID of the simulation. soft (Optional[bool]): do a soft delete. """ cursor = self._db.cursor() if soft: cursor.execute(''' UPDATE simulations SET deleted=1 WHERE guid=? ''', simulation.get_guid()) else: cursor.execute(''' DELETE FROM simulations WHERE guid=? ''', simulation.get_guid())
def __del__(self): # Tidy up before we leave self._db.close()