import asyncio
import shutil
import json
import logging
import os
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler
from hachiko.hachiko import AIOEventHandler
from . import config
import gssa.error
default_dockerlaunch_socket_location = '/var/run/dockerlaunch/dockerlaunch.sock'
# Check for output in the Docker volume
[docs]class OutputHandler(AIOEventHandler, FileSystemEventHandler):
def __init__(self, lock, loop=None, **kwargs):
self._lock = lock
AIOEventHandler.__init__(self, loop)
FileSystemEventHandler.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def on_moved(self, event):
if event.dest_path.endswith('/output'):
[docs]class Submitter:
"""Utility to manage communication with dockerlaunch.
Submit the request to run an instance to the dockerlaunch daemon, also
handling some of the standard bits and pieces of interface.
reader = None
writer = None
_cancelled = False
_destroyed = False
_socket_location = None
_communication_lock = None
def __init__(self):
self._input_files = []
self._output_files = []
self._output_directory = None
self._output_lock = asyncio.Lock()
self._communication_lock = asyncio.Lock()
def __del__(self):
# Tidy up before quitting
[docs] def set_update_socket(self, socket_location):
"""Set the socket that the bridge container should use to communicate."""
self._socket_location = socket_location
[docs] def copy_output(self, requested, target):
"""Retrieve output.
Copy output files from the Docker volume to the simulation 'working
if not self._output_directory:
return None
requested_location = os.path.join(self._output_directory, requested)
target_location = os.path.join(target, requested)
shutil.copyfile(requested_location, target_location)
except shutil.SameFileError:
# This is likely to be the case if we mount the output directory
# to the bridge
logger.exception('Could not copy output')
return None
return True
[docs] def output(self, requested, exists_only=False):
"""Return the content of the file ``requested``
requested (str): file name to request
exists_only (Optional[bool]): only check existence, don't load
str|bool: file content unless exists_only set, then existence True/False.
if not self._output_directory:
return None
requested_location = os.path.join(self._output_directory, requested)
if exists_only:
return os.path.exists(requested_location)
with open(requested_location, 'r') as f:
return f.read()
return None
[docs] def notify_output(self, filename):
"""Print a message to highlight a new output file from Docker."""
logger.debug('Output: %s' % filename)
if filename not in self._output_files:
[docs] def send_command(self, writer, command, arguments=None):
"""Send a command to the dockerlaunch daemon."""
logger.debug('--> %s %s' % (command, str(arguments)))
writer.write(bytes("%s\n" % json.dumps({
'command': command,
'arguments': arguments
}), 'UTF-8'))
[docs] def run_script(self, loop, working_directory, image, files_required=[], magic_script=None):
"""Run the simulation.
loop (asyncio.BaseEventLoop): look to use for asynchronous calls.
working_directory (str): location of simulation configuration/definition.
image (str): a container image name.
This must be known to dockerlaunch or it will refuse to run.
files_required (Optional[array(str)]): files to return as output.
magic_script (Optional[str]): DEPRECATED: script to upload to simulation
container after all else in place as a trigger (default off).
success = True
dockerlaunch_socket_location = config.get(
dump_logs = config.get(
# Connect to the dockerlaunch daemon (we should be in the `dockerlaunch`
# group for this to work)
reader, writer = yield from asyncio.open_unix_connection(
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Could not open connection to dockerlaunch at {loc}: {exc}".format(
raise e
# Read and write objects for reaching the daemon
self.reader, self.writer = reader, writer
# Lock the lock so that when we grab it again, it will hold until the output dir has
# appeared (FIXME: needs timeout)
yield from self._output_lock
# temporary_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='/simdata/')
#except Exception:
# logger.error("Could not create a temporary directory for docker")
# raise
#os.chmod(temporary_directory.name, 0o755)
#tmpdir = temporary_directory.name
tmpdir = working_directory
#self._temporary_directory = temporary_directory
input_suffix = 'input.final'
input_directory = os.path.join(tmpdir, input_suffix)
input_tmp_suffix = 'input'
input_tmp_directory = os.path.join(tmpdir, input_tmp_suffix)
#logger.info("Created temporary directory: %s" % tmpdir)
# Tell the daemon to fire up an instance
self.send_command(writer, 'START', {
'image': image,
'update socket': self._socket_location,
'volume location': os.path.basename(tmpdir)
success, message = yield from self.receive_response(reader)
logger.debug('<-- %s %s' % (str(success), str(message)))
if not success:
raise RuntimeError('Could not start: %s', message)
self.send_command(writer, 'CONTAINER')
success, message = yield from self.receive_response(reader)
logger.debug('<-- %s %s' % (str(success), str(message)))
image_id = message['image_id']
except KeyError:
image_id = None
with open(os.path.join(input_tmp_directory, 'glossia-simimage.txt'), 'w') as image_file:
image_file.write(image_id if image_id else '[unknown]')
# Set up our basic locations, for accessing the Docker volume
if magic_script is not None:
magic_script = os.path.join(
#self._output_directory = os.path.join(
# tmpdir,
# message['output subdirectory']
self._output_directory = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'output')
logger.debug("Set magic script")
# Start watching for output files of interest in the Docker volume
event_handler = OutputHandler(self._output_lock, loop=loop)
observer = Observer()
# FIXME: this causes occasional spontaneous segfaults during file updating... diagnosis pending
logger.debug("Started observer")
# Go through each file required by the simulation and put it into
# the Docker volume
#for f in files_required:
# to_location = os.path.join(input_tmp_directory, os.path.basename(f))
# from_location = os.path.join(working_directory, 'input', os.path.basename(f))
# if not f.startswith('.') and not os.path.isdir(to_location):
# logger.debug("Transferring %s to %s for docker" % (from_location, to_location))
# shutil.copyfile(
# from_location,
# to_location,
# )
#for input_file in self._input_files:
# shutil.copyfile(input_file, os.path.join(input_tmp_directory, os.path.basename(input_file)))
# Once those are copied, we can send the magic script, which tells
# the instance to start processing. Note that, if the definition was
# passed to the server in a TAR.GZ, this may already have been sent
# above - however, this is None in that case.
if magic_script is not None:
with open(magic_script, 'w') as f, open(os.path.join(working_directory, 'start.py'), 'r') as g:
logger.debug("Wrote magic script to %s" % magic_script)
os.rename(input_tmp_directory, input_directory)
# observer.stop()
# Wait for the simulation to finish
# Wait until the output directory has arrived in this container's volumes
# This avoids any critical communication between container and Glossia
# (but it is important to allow cancellation)
self._wait_fut = asyncio.ensure_future(self._output_lock.acquire())
yield from self._wait_fut
except asyncio.CancelledError:
logger.warning("Cancelled simulation")
yield from self._communication_lock
self.send_command(writer, 'LOGS', None)
success, message = yield from self.receive_response(reader)
for handle in message:
logger.debug('<-- %s %s %s' % (str(success), handle, str(message[handle].replace('\\n', '\n'))))
if not success and not self._cancelled:
raise RuntimeError('Could not retrieve logs: %s', message)
# Get the simulation exit status
exit_status = self.output(os.path.join('logs', 'exit_status'))
outcome = False
if exit_status:
code_string, message = exit_status.split('\n', 1)
if self._cancelled:
message = "[Cancelled] " + message
code = gssa.error.Error[code_string]
except KeyError as e:
code = gssa.error.Error(int(code_string))
except ValueError as e:
message += " [Code " + code_string + "]"
code = gssa.error.Error.E_UNKNOWN
if code is gssa.error.Error.SUCCESS:
outcome = True
outcome = gssa.error.makeError(code, message)
elif self._cancelled:
code = gssa.error.Error.E_CANCELLED
outcome = gssa.error.makeError(code, "Cancelled at user request")
code = gssa.error.Error.E_UNKNOWN
message = "Unknown error occurred (missing exit status)"
outcome = gssa.error.makeError(code, message)
# If we did not exit cleanly, inform the server
(logger.debug if success is True else logger.warning)('<==> %s %s' % (str(code), str(message)))
# Copy the logs back to the simulation 'working directory'
for output_file in ('docker_inner.log', 'job.out', 'job.err'):
logger.debug('-' * 20)
if dump_logs:
output_log = self.output(os.path.join('logs', output_file))
# Print out the logs
if output_log:
logger.warning("[no output from %s]" % output_file)
elif not self.output(os.path.join('logs', output_file), exists_only=True):
logger.warning("[no output from %s]" % output_file)
return outcome
[docs] def logs(self, only=None):
"""Retrieve logs from the simulation."""
with (yield from self._communication_lock):
self.send_command(self.writer, 'LOGS', {'only': only} if only else None)
success, message = yield from self.receive_response(self.reader)
logger.debug('<-- %s %s logs' % (str(success), str(only)))
return message
[docs] def cancel(self):
"""Break the output wait and instruct dockerlaunch to destroy simulation."""
if not self._wait_fut:
return False
self._cancelled = True
with (yield from self._communication_lock):
yield from self.destroy(wait_for_response=True)
return True
[docs] def destroy(self, wait_for_response=True):
"""Destroy the simulation/bridge containers."""
# destroy should be idempotent - that's fine.
if self._destroyed:
if not self.reader or not self.writer:
raise RuntimeError('No reader/writer members to access launcher daemon')
# Tell the Docker side to tidy up
self.send_command(self.writer, 'DESTROY', None)
if wait_for_response:
success, message = yield from self.receive_response(self.reader)
logger.debug('<-- %s %s' % (str(success), str(message)))
if success:
self._destroyed = True
raise RuntimeError('Could not destroy: %s', message)
self._destroyed = True
[docs] def finalize(self):
"""Close dockerlaunch connection."""
if not self.reader or not self.writer:
writer = self.writer
self.reader, self.writer = None, None
[docs] def receive_response(self, reader):
"""Handle JSON reply from dockerlaunch and format neatly."""
while True:
line = yield from reader.readline()
if line:
# Turn the flat lines into a JSON pair: 'success' and 'message'
line = line.decode('UTF-8').strip()
message = json.loads(line)
except ValueError as e:
logger.error("Could not decode docker response")
raise e
success = message['success']
message = message['message']
except KeyError as e:
raise e
return success, message