Source code for gssa.error

from enum import Enum

[docs]class Error(Enum): """Go-Smart error families. These are the canonical errors for client use - wherever possible, the most applicable of these should be returned. They indicate where the fault is likely to lie. """ SUCCESS, E_UNKNOWN, E_CLIENT, E_SERVER, E_MODEL, IN_PROGRESS, E_CANCELLED = range(7)
[docs]class ErrorException(RuntimeError): """An exception wrapping :py:class:`~gssa.error.Error`.""" _error = None def __init__(self, ref, message, *args, **kwargs): self._error = makeError(ref, message) super(self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_error(self): return self._error
[docs]class ErrorMessage(dict): """A trivial subclass of dict marking an ErrorMessage.""" pass
[docs]def makeError(ref, message): """A full error message (as returned via WAMP). Args: ref (gssa.error.Error|str): a enum (or enum name) to categorize the error. message (str): free-form error information string. Returns: :py:class:`~gssa.error.ErrorMessage`: a dictionary with entries ``id`` (int), ``code`` (str) and ``message``. The former two are representations of the :py:class:`~gssa.error.Error` enum, the integer (ordinal) value and string name respectively. """ id = ref.value if isinstance(ref, Error) else Error[ref].value code = if isinstance(ref, Error) else Error[ref].name return ErrorMessage({'id': id, 'code': code, 'message': message})