Source code for gssa.http_transferrer

from zope.interface import implementer
import urllib.request as urllib2
import os
import logging
import requests

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from .error import Error, makeError

from .transferrer import ITransferrer

# Gets input files from an HTTP source
[docs]class HTTPTransferrer: def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def connect(self): pass
[docs] def disconnect(self): logger.debug("Disconnecting")
[docs] def pull_files(self, files, root, remote_root): """Uses downloadFile to pull.""" for local, remote in files.items(): remote_url = "%s/%s" % (self._url, remote) absolute_path = os.path.join(root, local) logger.debug("Download File From: " + remote_url) logger.debug("Download File To:" + absolute_path) directory = os.path.dirname(absolute_path) logger.debug("Directory Created: " + directory) os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) self.downloadFile(remote_url, absolute_path)
[docs] def push_files(self, files, root, remote_root): """Push using HTTP (unless we are told to use `tmp`).""" for local, remote in files.items(): absolute_path = os.path.join(root, local) logger.debug("Uploading from: " + absolute_path + " to:" + remote) self.uploadFile(absolute_path, remote)
[docs] def downloadFile(self, sourceUrlStr, destinationStr): """Downloads a file from the source URL to the destination (typically a folder). This just grabs using urllib GET. Args: sourceUrlStr: Url of the file which will be downloaded destinationStr: FullPath to the destination """ if not os.path.exists(destinationStr): '''Check If we have downloaded the file already''' logger.debug("Download: " + sourceUrlStr + " to " + destinationStr) '''download the file''' try: serverFile = urllib2.urlopen(sourceUrlStr) except: raise RuntimeError(makeError(Error.E_SERVER, "download failed")) localFile = open(destinationStr, "wb") localFile.write( serverFile.close() localFile.close()
[docs] def uploadFile(self, sourcePath, destinationUrl): """Uploads the file located in sourcePath to the destinationUrl. This uploads with a POST. Args: sourcePath: fullpath to the file which will be uploaded destinationUrl: Url where the file is send to """ logger.debug("upload " + sourcePath + " to " + destinationUrl) try: f = {'file': open(sourcePath, 'rb')} except: logger.warning("file " + sourcePath + " does not exist.") try: r =, files=f) except: logger.exception("Server error!") if (r.status_code != 200): logger.error("Upload Failed")
[docs] def configure_from_xml(self, xml): """The XML should indicate the source/destination URL.""" self._url = xml.find("url").text self._output = xml.find("output") if self._output is not None: logger.warning("Outputting to tmp") self._output = self._output.text