

This is the simulation server script itself. You are expected to have a full working installation of GSSA for this to behave as described, including GSSF and Docker if you wish to run such workflows.

go-smart-simulation-server [-h] [--host HOST]
                              [--websocket-port WEBSOCKET_PORT]
                              [--sftp-host SFTP_HOST]
                              [--sftp-port SFTP_PORT]
                              [--key-file KEY_FILE] [--ignore-development]

Positional arguments

Argument Description
sid Server UUID (should be subdirectory of current directory)

Optional arguments

Argument Description
-h, –help show this help message and exit
–host HOST host to connect to
–websocket-port WEBSOCKET_PORT port hosting websocket
–sftp-host SFTP_HOST server hosting SFTP
–sftp-port SFTP_PORT port hosting SFTP
–key-file KEY_FILE file for authenticating to SFTP
–ignore-development do not process cases with parameter DEVELOPMENT truthy


This is primarily a testing script for the server, but is capable of delivering a GSSA-XML to any registered GSSA server via the named WAMP router.

go-smart-simulation-client [-h] [--gssa-file GSSA_FILE]
                              [--subdir SUBDIR] [--host HOST]
                              [--websocket-port WEBSOCKET_PORT]
                              [--output OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]]
                              [--definition DEFINITION [DEFINITION ...]]
                              [--input INPUT [INPUT ...]]
                              [--server SERVER]

Optional arguments

Argument Description
-h, –help show this help message and exit
–gssa-file GSSA_FILE GSSA-XML simulation description
–subdir SUBDIR subdirectory of /tmp containing input files
–host HOST host to connect to
–websocket-port PORT port hosting websocket
–skip-clean do not clean up after run
–output OUT [OUT ...] file(s) to request as output
–definition DEF [DEF ...] file(s) containing module / text of the definition node(which should exist but be empty in the GSSA file)
–input IN [IN ...] input files for surfaces, etc.
–server SERVER specific server to contact (UUID)


The client takes all of the definition files and wraps them in a TAR.GZ file, referencing it in the GSSA-XML file. It also wraps the input surfaces in a TAR.GZ file and adds it to a tmp-transferrer node (expected for these local client-server interactions).