Meshing Components in GSSF

These wrap the two primary meshing tools in GSSF: mesher-cgal and GMSH. This gives rise to two (current) subclasses of GoSmartMesher, each providing a component class: 3D-CGAL and 2D-GMSH. The specific type of component is specified using the type parameter in the XML.

While most applications will use a single volumetric mesh, in certain cases it may be necessary to use more than one mesh. Both (or more) will then be available to the SIF template. Particular applications are: a highly detailed volumetric mesh geometrically embedded in a simplified outer mesh; an axisymmetric mesh representing a portion of a larger Cartesian problem.

At least at present, meshing components are expected to output an MSH file. This makes linkage more straightforward to the ElmerGrid component.


The relevant second-level element in GSSF-XML is:

    <mesher [ skip="SKIP:false" ] type="(CGAL|axisymmetric)">
        [ <inner type="(CGAL|axisymmetric)" name="INNERNAME" template="TEMPLATE"
                 [ region="INNERREGION" ] [ needle="(inner_only|outer_only|both):both" ]>
              <!-- see CGAL/axisymmetric-specific sections -->
          </inner> ]
          <!-- see CGAL/axisymmetric-specific sections -->

As a workaround for incomplete re-use of existing 2D meshes, SKIP may be outer instead of a boolean, to re-use an existing primary 3D mesh, but regenerate any inner (usu. 2D) meshes. In the case that there are no inner meshes (most cases), this is equivalent to true.

The inner parameter template, allows you to specify the template used for the inner mesh - this is normally an axisymmetric needle geometry from the GSSF library. The needle attribute allows you to indicate in which mesh the needle should be embedded, (although axisymmetric templates may not always adjust for this parameter). The INNERREGION allows you to specify a region that should form an outer boundary for the inner mesh - this is currently implemented only in the case of volumetric meshes, but strictly it could be extended to both.

TODO: Allow user-supplied inner templates. Account for multiple needles when using inner meshes.


This is a component wrapping mesher-cgal.


This is configured, extending the <mesher> or <inner> sections, as follows:

   <mesher|inner zone_boundaries="BOOL:false">
     <!-- as in general configuration then -->
       <lengthscales nearfield="NF" farfield="FF" [ zonefield="ZF:(float|'ignore')" ]
                     [ needlezonefield="NZF" ] [ granularity="GRANULARITY:float" ]
                     [ vessels="(near|far)" ] [ needles="near" ] [ zones="solid" ]
                     [ zone_radius="ZONERADIUS:float" ] />
     ( <extent radius="EXTENTRADIUS" /> | <extent region="REGIONNAME" /> )
     [ <centre x="CX" y="CY" z="CZ" radius="CR" /> ]
       <zone|needle region="REGIONNAME" [ characteristic_length="ZCL" ] [ priority="ZP" ]>
         [ <activity x="AX" y="AY" z="AZ" r="AR" /> ]
     [ <organ region="REGIONNAME"/> ]
       <surface region="REGIONNAME"/>

The surface is any boundary region (was previously vessel) and requires only the name of the region as expressed in the regions section. All global discretization information is contained in the lengthscales tag, which provides parameters for the characteristic length field. The extent may be supplied as a radius about the centre or as a region. The organ, which is intersected with the extent, may be supplied separately as a region. Needles, if simply surfaces, only need a REGIONNAME but if a zone, or both, may use the extended zone attribute set.

Zones have, at least, a REGIONNAME but they may also have their own characteristic length field and priority, which indicates which zones obscure which in an overlap. Optionally, there may be a child activity node, specifying a sphere of activity. The inactive region will be added as a new region to the global regions map.


GMSH is used to mesh 2D domains, primarily for use in axisymmetric problems.


This is configured, extending the <mesher> or <inner> sections, as follows:

     <!-- as in general configuration then -->
     <template name="TEMPLATENAME" height="HEIGHT" width="WIDTH">
        <dimension name="DIMENSIONNAME" value="DIMENSIONVALUE:float" />
     <lengthscales nearfield="NEARFIELD" farfield="FARFIELD" />

The TEMPLATENAME parameter indicates a library template to use (effectively a GMSH .geo template). The template may use $CONSTANT_XYZ to refer to dimension XYZ and $INNERHEIGHT or $INNERWIDTH to refer to HEIGHT or WIDTH, respectively. It may use $NEARFIELD and $FARFIELD to get the NEARFIELD and FARFIELD parameters, which should together be sufficient to set the characteristic lengths for GMSH. The template also has access to the region IDs, which is prior to renumbering, but allows multiple mesher components to number consistently. These use the same constant naming scheme as the Elmer SIF template (REGION_ORGAN, etc.). To parse the template, string.Template is used.

TODO: Confirm this has no axisymmetric-specific behaviour and rename it to GMSH. Add support for supplied (non-library) templates.


For Elmer to process a SIF file, numbering of bodies (volumetric subdomains) must be contiguous. We use a application-level routine, GSSF.renumber_bodies(msh_files), to achieve this, after all other preliminary steps have been performed and we know exactly which subdomains appear in the simulation mesh. After this, ElmerGrid is applied to convert to Elmer's meshing format. The output of this step, not itself a full component, is in meshes-reordered/. Other than numbering, these meshes should match those output by the optimizer in optimizer/.

TODO: to renumber in two steps, the mesh indices are temporarily replaced with characters using an ASCII mapping. This creates an artifical restriction to 26 subdomains, which could be avoided by a more elegant solution.