Constants in GSSF

In GSSF code, parameters are generally referred to as constants, which is not entirely accurate (TODO), but reflects the fact that the definition itself does not usually change throughout the simulation. They are generally floats/ints/etc. but may be MATC functions that are dropped into the SIF at the start of the simulation.

Constants in GSSF mostly arise from the parameters set in the GSSF-XML, but include other values such as the mesh scaling, which is not (in GSSF) in the parameter section. They are also used to transfer certain values between components, where one calculates and adds a constant to the global space and another uses it.

Parameters in the Elmer SIF template

The SIF template is a Jinja2 template. As such, Python parameter dictionaries are used to pass parameters into the template. These are named p and needles, being the global and needle-specific parameters, respectively. The needle parameter dictionary, needles, is a dictionary of parameter dictionaries, indexed as integers based on the needle indexes from the GSSF-XML.

The parameter dictionaries are of class ParameterDict, which extends Python's dict built-in. In particular, these can be used with the member syntax: p.CONSTANT_BODY_TEMPERATURE, for example, will return the relevant Parameter object for that parameter. This actually covers all global constants, not just the GSSF parameters, so a few extra items are available. For instance, p.NEEDLE_AXIS_SCALE_X will return the scaling in the x direction used by the needle library.

The Parameter class, to which the returned parameters belong, is castable to float, int and string. The Jinja filter typed will cause it to be output with its SIF type as a prefix (useful, for example, when assigning to a property in the SIF file). If not otherwise cast, it will appear as a string representation. If the parameter type is an array, it will be converted to a space separated list.

For instance, if the following line appears in the SIF template:

Power = {{ p.CONSTANT_INPUT_POWER|typed }}

and the parameter in the GSSF-XML is:

<constant name="CONSTANT_INPUT_POWER" value="140.0" type="float" />

the rendered SIF will be:

Power = Real 140.0

whereas, if the parameter in the GSSF-XML is:

<constant name="CONSTANT_INPUT_POWER" value="[140.0, 200.0, 120.0]" type="array(float)" />

the rendered SIF will be:

Power = Real 140.0 200.0 120.0

Note that this does not take care of the need to supply an index count to the power list. A conditional may be needed.