Go-Smart Simulation Framework Family in GSSA

GSSA families prepare configuration for running a solver, in this case GSSF. This is in the form of a Python class extending gssa.family.Family. There are actually two components comprising the GSSF Family.


This refers to Elmer run in conjunction with some NUMA-written libraries, and more generally to GSSF, which is centred around this pairing.


This is a mixin, used in GSSF and elsewhere for setting up a volumetric mesh using GSSF-XML. In the Elmer-libnuma case, it only prepares the relevant part of the XML file, which is completed and run by the Elmer-libnuma family. In other cases, the volumetric entries only are used and run by go-smart-launcher, before whichever component into which this is mixed in takes the output MSH file for its own simulation.

Parameters used

Parameter name Description (effect on output GSSF-XML)
NEEDLE_TIP_LOCATION Used to find the offset for each needle. If the CENTRE_LOCATION has not been provided, this is used to provide the geometry centre
NEEDLE_ENTRY_LOCATION With each needle tip, this is used to find the needle axis and the first needle is used to provide the geometry section's needleaxis
NEEDLE_ACTIVE_LENGTH Size of active length sphere for specific needle, as used in the active section in the relevant mesher section needle
SETTING_SOLID_NEEDLES Indicates that all needle geometries should be meshed solidly, prompting the zones attribute of needlelibrary and zone_boundaries of mesher to be set
CONSTANT_GLOBAL_ACTIVE_LENGTH Size of default active length, to be used in the active section in the relevant mesher section needle
CENTRE_LOCATION Default geometry centre in GSSF-XML. May be a JSON float triple or first-needle (to use tip of first needle) or centroid-of-tips to calculate the combined centre of all needle tips
CENTRE_OFFSET This adds an offset to the geometry centre, without altering the needle location
SIMULATION_SCALING Becomes the geometry section simulationscaling
SETTING_ORGAN_AS_SUBDOMAIN Switches the organ from an organ in the mesher to a zone
SETTING_AXISYMMETRIC_INNER Adds an inner to the mesher of the given template
SETTING_AXISYMMETRIC_INNER_COARSE Adds a coarse inner to the mesher of the given template
SIMULATION_DOMAIN_RADIUS Gives a bounding radius for use in the mesher section extent
RESOLUTION_HIGH Triggers an approximately double resolution set of characteristic length parameters compared to the default
RESOLUTION_FIELD_NEAR, RESOLUTION_FIELD_FAR, RESOLUTION_FIELD_ZONE, RESOLUTION_FIELD_NEEDLE_ZONE Override specific characteristic length field parameters in the mesher section