Utility Functions in GSSF

There are several helper functions used in GSSF that may be of use if you are extending or modifying behaviour. While these are underscore prefixed, this may be changed later - however, they are intended for use within the gssf.* space.


Location: gssf.globals._generate_rotation_matrix(x, y, z, backward=False), _generate_numpy_rotation_matrix(x, y, z, backward=False, rx=0, ry=1, rz=0)

The Numpy version of this function creates a rotation matrix taking the vector (rx, ry, rz) to (x, y, z), rotating about an axis perpendicular to both. The backward argument allows for easy reversal of the rotation. The algorithm used is Rodrigues' rotation formula. The non-Numpy version renders the matrix as a SIF-embeddedable space-separated list.

This utility is especially useful for translating needles from reference coordinates to the embedded location and for moving backwards and forwards between an axisymmetric problem and its 3D embedding. Note that reference needles in the GSSF library are aligned to (0, 0, 1), not (0, 1, 0). However, library axisymmetric meshes lie in this plane. Extensions to the mesh interpolation functionality in Elmer allow


Location: gssf.globals.slugify(inp)

This is a workaround for lack of a Python3 slugify early in the project, and is to be replaced with a real slugify (e.g. python-slugify). It is documented here solely because any differences between our (very basic, 4-line) behaviour and an upstream slugify's needs to be considered before swapping.

It uppercases input, removes any parentheses and replaces dash and space with an underscore. For example:

"Electric conductivity (tissue)" ----> ELECTRIC_CONDUCTIVITY_TISSUE

This is normally seen in generation of constant names for the parameter dictionaries in the SIF template.