Source code for gosmart.utils

import json

[docs]def convert_parameter(parameter, typ=None, try_json=True): """Turn a string parameter and type name into a Python object. Should be idempotent. """ # Why do we distinguish between numeric classes in Python?! # Because we do not want to introduce rounding errors where # none are expected by switching a counter to float. Also, # some Python functions, like range, require an int. if parameter == "null" or parameter is None: return None if typ == "float": cast = float elif typ == "integer": cast = int elif typ == "boolean": cast = lambda s: (s.lower() != "false" and bool(s)) elif typ == "string": cast = str else: cast = None if cast is not None: try: return cast(parameter) except ValueError: print("UNCASTABLE", parameter, cast) pass if try_json: try: return json.loads(parameter) except: pass return parameter