gosmart package


gosmart.dicts module

class gosmart.dicts.AttributeDict[source]

Bases: dict

Basic extension to dict allowing dot-access.

Very helpful in keeping Jinja2 files succinct.

>>> A = AttributeDict({"name": "value"})
>>> A.name
class gosmart.dicts.ParameterDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: gosmart.dicts.AttributeDict

Super-dict for Parameters.

Extends AttributeDict with additional Parameter-specific functionality. Allows things like (where CONSTANT_MAGIC_NUMBER is a float of value 3.0):

>>> import gosmart
>>> gosmart.setup(["CONSTANT_MAGIC_NUMBER"])
>>> from gosmart.dicts import ParameterDict
>>> paramdict = ParameterDict({
        "CONSTANT_MAGIC_NUMBER": ("float", "3")
        "CONSTANT_ELDRITCH_FIGURE": ("int", "3")
>>> paramdict["CONSTANT_MAGIC_NUMBER"]
>>> paramdict.CONSTANT_MAGIC_NUMBER + 1.0
>>> paramdict["CONSTANT_ELDRITCH_FIGURE"] + 1.0
KeyError: You have asked for an undeclared parameter, [CONSTANT_ELDRITCH_FIGURE], please check your gosmart.setup(...) call.

The class itself is primarily useful internally, but the most useful user-facing aspect is that you can check your declared parameters match the parameters you use in your code with the check_declared option to gosmart.setup(). This should be a separate YAML file containing a list of expected parameters and will be used by the Go-Smart Clinical Domain Model to assign constraints to your numerical models (in the example, we pass a dict instead). If you use, in any parameter dictionary, a parameter not included in the master list an error will be thrown.

At present, not all functionality of Goosefoot’s ParameterDict is available, but when this is incorporated, it may be possible to access the original string and typestring from the returned value. However, this would require subclassing common types. If end-users consistently duck-type (i.e. no isinstances) this may be of benefit to them, but only as an optional parameter to gosmart.setup().

In the future, this YAML file may be replaced or supplemented by AST inspection within the Go-Smart CDM.

Note that not all dictionary functionality is yet overridden.

Inheritance diagram of gosmart.dicts.ParameterDict

update(*args, **kwargs)[source]

gosmart.parameters module

class gosmart.parameters.GoSmartParameterLoader(prefix)[source]

Bases: object

Turn stored parameters (inc. regions) into usable Python objects.


Return both global parameters and a dictionary of needle parameter dictionaries (tuple).


Return the region dict (mostly internal).


Return the global region class.


Load and process regions and parameters.


Set up the objects that end-users may wish to use from this module directly - especially, R, P and NP.

gosmart.region module

class gosmart.region.Region(region_dict)[source]

Bases: object

Rendering of CDM conceptual region.

This contains information about a CDM database-defined region. If the gosmart/goosefoot-mesher-base container has been used, volumetric meshing will be automatically performed and objects with this class will know their mesh labels within the generated MSH file.

classmethod add_region_to_group(group, region)[source]

(Mostly internal) add a region to a given group name.

classmethod add_region_to_meshed_as(meshed_as, region)[source]

(Mostly internal) globally register a region as surface/zone.


Check whether this region is in named CDM group.

classmethod group(group)[source]

Find all regions within a (CDM-defined) named group (e.g. ‘organs’, ‘tumours’).

classmethod meshed_as(meshed_as)[source]

Find all regions that are meshed as, say, ‘surface’ or ‘zone’, that is, are (poss. internal) boundary or volumetric subdomains.

classmethod surface(idx)[source]

Find all (internal and external) boundary subdomains.

classmethod zone(idx)[source]

Find all volumetric subdomains.

gosmart.status module

class gosmart.status.StatusUpdater(update_socket_location=None)[source]

Bases: object

Pass back /short/ information to the client.


Attempts to connect to the known update socket.

This should be the only egress from the container, other than implied communication through the filesystem.

status(message, percentage=None)[source]

Pass a status message to the Glossia server (and on to any client) with an optional percentage (float: 0-100).

gosmart.utils module

gosmart.utils.convert_parameter(parameter, typ=None, try_json=True)[source]

Turn a string parameter and type name into a Python object.

Should be idempotent.

Module contents

gosmart.setup(parameters, prefix=None, check_declared=False)[source]

Configure the Glossia Python Container Module (gosmart).

Strictly, this is optional, as it will be called when the end-user wishes to use a parameter, but if the Glossia container parameter definition files are not found it will raise RuntimeErrors.

  • parameters (dict|str|False|None) – this may either be a parameter dictionary or a string filename naming a parameter YAML file. If no parameters are to be loaded, False should be passed (this disables searching in gosmart.parameters). The None option is primarily for testing, to indicate parameters should not be loaded, but the processes should otherwise continue as normal.
  • prefix (str) – location of parameter files relative to the simulation working directory. Defaults to gosmart._prefix.
  • check_declared (bool) – raise a warning if parameters are subsequently requested that haven’t been declared in parameters, even if they exist in the database-sourced parameter files.

RuntimeError – if parameters are requested but not found in the filesystem.