Goosefoot Mesher - CGAL
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CGAL::Signed_mesh_domain_3< Function, BGT >::Construct_intersection Struct Reference

#include <Signed_mesh_domain_3.h>

Public Member Functions

 Construct_intersection (const Signed_mesh_domain_3 &domain)
Intersection operator() (const Segment_3 &s) const
Intersection operator() (const Ray_3 &r) const
Intersection operator() (const Line_3 &l) const

Detailed Description

template<class Function, class BGT>
struct CGAL::Signed_mesh_domain_3< Function, BGT >::Construct_intersection

Returns a point in the intersection of the primitive {type} with some boundary surface. {Type1} is either {Segment_3}, {Ray_3} or {Line_3}. The integer {dimension} is set to the dimension of the lowest dimensional face in the input complex containing the returned point, and {index} is set to the index to be stored at a mesh vertex lying on this face.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: